Sessions and Programmes
You are looking for
a safe space
outside your day to day context
to think things through
you are looking to explore
different perspectives
and honest challenges
you want to generate
fresh energies
power and possibilities
and forward movement
Personalised Programmes for Leaders and Professionals
Review, refresh and re-set yourself
Start making progress again
Other ways of working with me are available through standardised packages
available at :
Supporting Learning to Learn - Sessions for Students*
(*at discounted student rates at )
Take back control.
Find those
alternative perspectives,
additional options
and your next clear, small steps forward
Your appetite is strong
You are determined
So what really matters?
Where do you want to reach?
What impact do you want to have?
What might be holding you back?
What is working? What is not working?
What are you naturally good at?
What are you doing to improve things?
What if things were different?
What happens if you fail?
What happens if you don't fail?
What can you take control of?
What small steps can you take today?
You might be at an unsettling transition point in your life or you might just be really hungry to accelerate forward.
You are perhaps feeling a bit lost, or confused, or frustrated or stuck in some area of your life or career - and maybe not sure why.
On the other hand you might simply be wanting to more clearly identify what you want next, or what is now really important to you.
Do you need to review and re-assess your goals, ambitions and intentions?
Are you about to step into an area of life you have not experienced before?
Are you about to enter the world of work or are you mid-career or are you approaching retirement?
Are you approaching a new personal or professional role?
Are you trying to figure out what to do next or where now to put your energies and focus?
Are you about to take a career break or to start exploring further education?
Are you looking for a new job?
Are you developing an interest or some other form of commitment?
Are you needing to think something through?
Do you want to push yourself?
Are you impatient for change?
Unlock, grow and apply your strengths and unique characteristics to make the progress that you want - engage in an International Coaching Federation aligned coaching process with me in a set of structured, yet flexible, conversations over a time period to suit your preferences and requirements.
Alternatively, check out some taster and standardised packages and options
for other ways of working with me available at
Check out Coaching and Mentoring Options for Students at:
Contact me directly to explore more at:
In our sessions, my role as a coach will be to:
Help you identify your goals and the next small steps you can take to achieve them
Ask questions to help you explore and unlock issues, options and alternative perspectives
Actively listen to you
Support and challenge you appropriately
Help you learn, grow and work things out for yourself
Help you explore what support you need and how or where to find it
Help you explore options and the advantages and disadvantages of different courses of action
If appropriate, help you reflect on relevant past experiences with the intention of finding learnings from them that could be helpful in achieving your goals
Be honest and open with you
Give you constructive feedback as and when appropriate and agreed
Support you in identifying specific actions and ways forward to support your development needs and desires
Hold you to account for agreed actions and explore with you the reasons for actions that might not have been completed
Be alert to, and raise for awareness, the potential for any conflict of interests that might arise
Work in alignment with and abide by the International Coaching Federation's Code of Ethics, values and professional behavioural and competency standards.
Take any issues or difficulties relating to my coaching competencies or skills or to matters relevant to the ethical guidelines and professional standards of the International Coaching Federation to my professional Supervisor, without breaking confidentiality
Other than visual or auditory disclosure arising from any recorded sessions which you, at the time, may agree can be shared with my professional Supervisor for my professional performance, learning, development and accreditation, maintain complete confidentiality unless there is convincing evidence of serious danger to yourself or to others
Ensure that any of your personal data that is collected for the purposes of providing my services to you is stored securely and only for as long as required for that purpose
For your part, your responsibilities will be to:
Think about what you would like to explore during your sessions and prepare for them
Be honest and open in your conversations
Take responsibility for your learning, self-development and growth
Capture learnings, insights and helpful thoughts and ideas that emerge for you e.g. take notes as may be needed by you during the sessions
Reflect between sessions
Capture and carry through actions that you have committed to in the sessions – and be willing to explore the reasons, if they are not then carried through, as to why
Provide feedback to me on your coaching experience
If requested, provide feedback on your coaching experience to my coaching Supervisor, or to relevant professional accreditation or regulatory bodies,.
By participating in coaching sessions with me, consent to them being logged as hours of professional coaching services provided by me for the purposes of on-going membership of and accreditation by the International Coaching Federation or other professional industry bodies as may be relevant from time to time. You can, of course, withdraw your consent and withdraw from a session or programme of sessions with me at any time